Financial Accountability
Governments are not subject to the same transparency or accounting requirements as the private sector, driving waste, cronyism, and spending. Policymakers should publicize comprehensive financial data and place safeguards on budgets to ensure that the government is acting as a good steward of taxpayer money.

Government Services
Interacting with the government should not be an inefficient, time consuming headache. By realigning government agencies’ incentives to align with the private sector’s, policymakers can prioritize consumer focus and greater efficiency from agencies like the DMV.

While the healthcare industry touches all Americans, few understand how it works. The lack of transparency and competition is unacceptable and makes healthcare increasingly unaffordable. Patients deserve greater access to healthcare options and pricing and treatment information to get the care they and their families need.

Higher Education
Public higher education has lost its focus on preparing students for careers. Funding destructive ideologies and administrative bloat has led to low graduation rates, rising student loan debt, and a shortage of in-demand skills. Aligning colleges’ incentives with students’ success will make higher education a better investment for taxpayers and students.

As failed urban policies demonstrate, allowing street camping attracts more homeless individuals and takes away tools to encourage needed services. States can reduce street homelessness by providing innovative shelter options, empowering successful nonprofits, and emphasizing drug and mental health treatment.

Public Safety
America’s justice system should keep communities safe, yet repeat offenders are driving rising crime. And law-abiding citizens deserve better results given the ever-growing investment from taxpayers. Policies that reward what works will drive improved outcomes for those on parole and probation and make communities safer.

Outdated regulations hinder innovation and stand in the way of new business models. Legislators, government agencies, and the private sector need to collaborate to design more effective regulations that create a level playing field for entrepreneurs.